Every cloud...

A very clever person invented sucky-in tights! (I realise you can see them XD) 

I was too busy posing, and forgot about my remote shutter getting in shot! Sorry!

Skirt - Lazy Oaf 
(it's actually a dress)
Jumper - Asos
Control tights - M&S
Necklace - Oasis
Walking shoes - Hi-Tec


I know, I can't take posing seriously!

Earlier in the week we finally got snow in London! It was nice for about 3 minutes but then once I'd taken a photo of it I knew it was gonna make getting to work difficult...

How right I was!  

It took me three times longer to get to work then normal...
First I was late for my bus cause I was trying so hard not to slip in the snow. 
Then the trains were down so I had to wait for another bus I'd not gotten before, I had to let one bus go because I didn't want to risk my life trying to get on it!

The bus finally came and as I was looking out the window (like they do in films) I thought to myself what positives can I take out of this nightmare of a morning?

I realised, I got a beautiful "tour" of a snow-capped east London, that wouldn't of happened if I hadn't of got on that bus, and people were generally nicer and more chatty bonding over the crappy situation and how to resolve it (which is rare for an early Monday morning)

So, in a way I'm glad that the snow did mess everything up - thanks TfL for being so shit :)


Today, I can't stop thinking about:

Chet Faker - No Diggity

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  1. That dress is absolutely gorgeous. Also, I love No Diggity more than I have words for!

    Sammy xo.


    1. Thanks! It's one of my favourites, been trying to work out how to wear it during winter and I'm so glad I have!

      If you like No Diggity you HAVE to listen to that version, such a chilled cover of it!
