Still breathing
I have completely lost my confidence.
It was my Birthday during the week. So I did what any newly 24 year old does and overthunk my existence and everything about my life. It seemed reasonable at the time.
After hours and hours of procrastinating with weird lists on my phone I kinda realised I've lost who I am.
I'm not looking for pity or sympathy or links to blogs about how people "get the glow" I just need to get it out of my system.
Originally I started this blog to have my own little corner of the world to try and share my thoughts and avoid bottling things up. I wanted to share the clothes that I love to wear and the food I love to cook and the places I love to visit, but somewhere along the way I've lost all of that.
I'm secretly inspired by the honesty and courageousness that I see on Instagram, particularly imbeingerica and _liebeskind who I have never told I admire before, but fuck it.
Through sharing honest posts on how they're feeling, without knowing it they have unknowingly given me the oomph needed to get my blogging back on track.
You see, I have never considered myself perfect, in fact most of the time I pride myself on the organised chaos I create. But I managed to place pressure on myself when it came to documenting my life through this blog.
This time round I want to change things up.
I'm getting back on the blogging. I'm going to eat right again. I'm going to go to the events and places that make me happy. I'm even gonna try and exercise more... hopefully.
I want to take whoever reads this on a journey with me. I am no expert so I'm not going to try to be one. I'll share my fuck ups and my achievements because I guess that's what makes me the beautiful mess I am.
The next few weeks I'm going to try to share more, and tidy my little corner of the world up a bit. I'd love for you lot to help me out as I go, tell me what you like / don't like about blogs. What you look for, and all that stuff. It's gonna be...interesting.
So here goes nothing... I guess.
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