Eye Eye!*

So, I love experimenting with different looks, it's kinda what makes me, me.

Clothes, makeup and hair colour are all so easy to changed, 
but the one thing that's a little harder is eye colour!

You see, personally, I hate my eye colour 
(If it was a Crayola colour it'd be called, "shit brown"!)
So you can see why I was over the moon when SpookyEyes 
sent me their "Galaxy green contact lenses

They retail for £19.59 and although that might seem like a lot at first, I definitely think it's worth it.
Normally when I think of coloured contacts I think of Halloween costumes, but because these are more natural looking they're perfect for a special night out, or even everyday use.

Once opened you can use them for a year, just make sure you keep them in a contact lens case with sterile saline solution inside, which you should change after every use.
 (I got from Boots and came to just under £5)

You can break open the box for instructions on the back (which I thought was quite handy),
 and two of these packets with a lens in each one. 

I must be honest, when I first saw them I was a bit worried about the colour looking really fake
 (they do a when really really close up and exposed to bright light) 
and that they wouldn't show up on my dark eyes 
(I was wrong both times!)

I was also nervous about putting them in for the first time as I've heard some horror stories!
 So I did a lot of googling beforehand on how to put them in. 

It did take me a little while, but, I was being really careful and kept dampening the lenses with 
either water, or the solution to stop my eyes from getting too sore.

I must say I am almost completely amazed with them, the SpookyEye lenses
 really help me twist my look, and draw attention to my eyes 
(and away from my chins :p) 
and when they're in you can't feel them at all!

One thing I didn't expect was putting them in gave me extra confidence, 
it's strange how big little differences make.

The only major problem I think is my own paranoidness. I tried to wear them on a night out, but I was scared of getting too drunk and falling asleep with them in! I ended up leaving predrinks and rushing back to our hotel (and getting lost down a straight road!) to take them out 
(which was SO much easier than putting them in). 
But I just need to learn to not get so drunk! 

Now I'm not so scared by them, I think next time I'd love to try something a bit more colourful. 
I love the look of this Violet Pair, they seem the perfect balance between being unusual 
whilst (somehow) managing to remain quite natural looking!

I'd love to know what you guys think! 
Do I look better with my natural eyes or these?
Have you ever tried coloured contacts?


*Massive thanks to SpookyEyes for sending me the contacts, all opinions in this post are my own.

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