DIY ombre dark brown curly hair at home
So for a while I've been a bit poorly (hence the lack of blog posts) now I'm feeling better, and with New Years Eve approaching, I thought it would be the perfect time to redo my
dip-dye. I thought I'd show you lovely lot incase you're curious.
Before :( |
After :) |
Before I start I just want to clear a few things up:
- I'm no expert
These instructions are what worked for my hair. Your hair might be a different colour, thickness,
this will affect developing time, amount of bleach e.t.c which nicely leads on to my next point...
- Research, research, research
Bleaching can seriously damage your hair.
Make sure you look at how a variety of people do their hair (there are loads of blogs / youtube videos to look at)
look for people with similar hair to you. It's important with choosing the right bleach, deciding how long you want the dip dye.
It's important you know what you're doing before you jump in.
- Do a strand test
Or the bleach demons will get you!
(but seriously it's important)
- If you don't like the result then remember, it's only hair! Dip-dye is especially good for this, or if you want to see if a colour suits you because you can always cut it off.
Now back to the fun bit....
What you'll need:
The Bleach:
BBlonde Permanent Hair Lightener, Medium to Dark Brown Hair - £6 in Sainsburys
This is particularly good because it includes the mixing tray, brush, gloves and aftercare shampoo.
Make sure you get the full kit as you can just get the bleach powder, which is good but it doesn't contain all the extras.
Other stuff (that you don't mind getting ruined)
- An old top
- Clear hairbands (or any old ones)
- Silver foil (in strips)
- An Old Towel
- Any deep conditioner
( I used TRESemme Platinum Strength 60 Second Treatment Shot £1 Sainsbury's on special offer)
Ok ok ok.
- To get the ombre affect you'll need to section your hair (with the hairbands) this makes it easier later on. Make sure it's dry.
- For the love of pete, PLEASE put gloves on!
wrap the old towel around your shoulders and fasten with a small clip
- Mix the bleaching powder and cream peroxide
(make sure you use the right products and not the shampoo like I almost did)
- Using gloves take a big scoop of bleach
- Apply to the first section of hair, make sure you really massage it in
Start at the bottom, as this will be lightest. The longer you leave the bleach on the lighter your hair gets,
don't worry about being too perfect as it'll look weird if it's too straight.
- Wrap it up in silver foil
This helps the bleach to get to the bits you may have missed, and keeps mess to a minimum
I missed out the bottom because of my old dip dye |
- Check every 15 minutes
Check by removing the foil, I left the first lot in for 30 minutes.
- Take the first hairband out, and apply bleach to the second section
Use new foil if you ruined the old lot, don't wash out the bleach.
- Check every 15 minutes
I left it in for another 30 minutes
- Repeat till you've done all the sections
- On the last section cover all the hair just to make sure, don't leave any bleach in the tray
You've paid for it you might as well use it!
- Check every 15 minutes
I left the last lot in for an hour (but adjust depending on how long you've left it in)
I wouldn't recommend leaving it in for any longer or it'll fry your hair.
You can always repair it and do it again another day.
- Wash out the bleach
Use the shampoo in the kit as it will help repair your hair.
- Use the deep conditioner and leave it in your hair as long as possible
This will just help it repair even more
- Leave to dry naturally
Even if you normally straighten/ use a hairdryer. Don't. Your hair is really vulnerable and exposed at the moment.
Be delicate with it.
That's pretty much it!
After a cheeky haircut ;) |
Happy Days!
If your hair is really dark like mine, it may look a little yellow/orange.
If you were looking for a whiter shade then you may have to use a toner.
I'd also recommend the Touch Of Silver range.
I've found you can get it in most big boots, use the deep purple shampoo once a week (leave overnight if you can, but put a towel over your pillow) and the conditioner too.
If you have any questions I'd love to help, i'd love to know how you do yours if it's different / better.
Happy dipping!
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